End of Pesach

Congregation Sar Shalom 32651 FM 47, Canton End of Pesach service 10:30am This will be a simple service, no music or drash. However we will have our normal fellowship meal.


Shavuot Service

Business Meeting 2024

After oneg. All adults are encouraged to attend to discuss the budget, amendments to the by-laws, and other important topics.

Kol Nidre

No Food. Tradition to wear white & men may wear tallit after dark for this service.

Yom Kippur

Break the Fast after Sundown


Regular service


No service

Shemini Atzeret

Simchat Torah Scroll Torah during service


Regular service

Havdalah Pizza Party

We will be hosting Havdalah, each month until March, on the 4th Shabbat.