12 events found.
Business Meeting 2024
After oneg. All adults are encouraged to attend to discuss the budget, amendments to the by-laws, and other important topics.
Bar Mitzvah-Isaac Lanphear
Issac Lanphear's Bar Mitzvah during service
Rosh Hashannah
Regular service
Kol Nidre
No Food. Tradition to wear white & men may wear tallit after dark for this service.
Yom Kippur
Break the Fast after Sundown
Regular service
No service
Shemini Atzeret
Simchat Torah Scroll Torah during service
Regular service
Havdalah Pizza Party
We will be hosting Havdalah, each month until March, on the 4th Shabbat.
Hannukah Celebration
Service at 10:30am followed by Community Meal and Talent Show Havdalah at 5:30pm followed by family Hanukkiah Lighting, Pizza, Doughnuts and Games!
Havdalah Pizza Party
We will be hosting Havdalah, each month until March, on the 4th Shabbat.